Lifetime Connection Inspires Legacy Gift

Janet Yamron

Janet Yamron’s connection with Temple University began more than 70 years ago when a family friend told her about the University’s new choral conducting program. Led by Elaine Brown, head of Temple’s choral department, the program was the first of its kind in the country. For Janet, then a high school senior, it would be the perfect undergraduate coursework.

“Elaine taught me the art of choral music to bring people of differences together,” Janet says. “That’s a lesson I’ve taken with me throughout my entire life.”

Janet completed both her undergraduate and graduate degrees at Temple before beginning her career as an educator in the Philadelphia school district. She stayed connected with the University, frequently attending alumni meetings. At one meeting in 1966, the dean of Boyer College, Temple’s college of music and dance, approached her about a full-time faculty position. Janet said yes, beginning a 43-year tenure as a Temple faculty member.

“My life has been so full because of the people I’ve met and the lessons I’ve learned at Temple,” Janet says. “It has truly enriched my life.”

While at Temple, Janet held several roles, including associate dean for undergraduate studies and director of the University chorale and chamber choir. She was also committed to giving back to the University, helping raise funds for an endowed chair in choral directing and establishing multiple charitable gift annuities. She has also made a gift to Temple in her estate plan, known as a bequest.

“Community is where community happens. Temple is that community,” Janet says. “I’ll do all I can to help.”

You, too, can make an impact like Janet. Whatever the reason behind your giving, we are here to help you fulfill your goals. Contact Tom Yates at (215) 926-2545 or with any questions.